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Based on the three case studies of studying, communication, and driving it is clear that cell phones have a direct impact on individual’s ability to multi-task. Cell phones, when used in conjunction with other tasks, prevents an individual from being able to focus on the task at hand. As cell phones become more and more widely used (McNerney. Business Wire) individuals are going to have to become more aware about the impact cell phones can have on their day to day life. While they may seem more connected with the world around them they are actually becoming more distant and therefore losing critical multitasking skills.  The dilemma of cell phones is how to cut down on the distraction from living in the moment.  There are some apps whose purpose is to manage cell phone use.  AT&T has created an app to stop people from texting and driving.  The app will send an automatic message to someone who texts the recipient, notifying them the recipient is driving.  A majority of people expect immediate responses from text messages.  This app is meant to alleviate the immediate need to respond to texts, and as a result making the roads safer.  There are also apps which have been created to help students stay focused while studying.  The app self-control is designed to block certain websites, such as social media, for a specified amount of time.  Even if the user gets desperate, and deletes the app, it will still not allow them to check Facebook or snapchat until the time allotted is up.  As we’ve discussed in class, wearable technologies are the future of cell phones and communication.  Google Glass is one of the first technologies designed to cut down on how much cell phones distract us from real time communication.  By moving the technology closer to the body and making it easier to use it is supposed to allow the user to be more present for real time.  At this time google glass is expensive and not widely used.  The digital futures of cell phones is to design them in a way where they are not distracting the user from communicating or experiencing life in real time, and making these technologies accessible to all people.

What does this mean for our future?

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We all know how hard it is to resist the urge to reply to our friends when we are driving, but texting and driving is dangerous. Try out AT&T's new app that helps you eliminate that distraction. 

Get an app to help you study!

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Studying is becoming harder and harder with every new social media app that is introduced. Find an app that helps you restict your social media usage while you are studying. 

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It is difficult for everyone to disconnect from our smartphones while we are in the presence of others. Google Glass gives you the opportunity to be more present with your interpersonal interactions.

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