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Communication Skills Dying? 

The growing use of technology in social situations is causing a new strain on cognitive development. As more and more Americans think of themselves as adept in the world on texting and talking, research has proved that it is actually significantly more difficult to communicate effectively with the mere presence of a cell phone nearby. Andrew Przybylski and Netta Weinstein conducted a study with startling results, individuals who had a cell phone in their proximity were more likely to be disengaged in conversation with their peers (Przybylski & Weinstein). But more than just being distracted, Andrew Przybylski and Netta Weinstein found that the depth of the conversation was significantly reduced when individuals had phones present, the people with cell phones were unable to engage in substantive conversation because their focus was  simply not on understanding the individual speaking to them. The effects ranged from a lack of trust to a lack of empathy, showing that cell phones existence detaches individuals from engaging in strong interpersonal communication. It is imperative that students realize the effect cell phones are having on their ability to communicate, because as research shows only 2% of individuals can effectively multitask with technology while over 98% of individuals believe they can without hesitation (Loria, Business Insider). More and more people have made miscommunication and disconnection the norm, drifting us into a society that is less empathetic and more distant than ever before.​



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